Admission is open for classes KG to Class X for the academic session 2023-24. A student will be admitted only after submission of a Transfer Certificate from the previous school. Admission for Class I to X is subject to a student qualifying entrance test and availability of seat(s).
The admission is also subject to the following:
Verification of Original Birth Certificate.
Submission of Original Mark Sheet of the last exam of the last class attended.
Transfer Certificate (Classes II and above) (to be countersigned by District Elementary Education Officer)
Payment of admission fees within the prescribed date.
Incomplete and illegible Registration Forms will be summarily rejected.
The duly filled in Registration Form should be submitted to the school along with the required documents & Registration fee before the last date of submission of Registration Form. Application submitted after the last date will not be considered. The Registration Form is non-transferable even to the siblings and only the form issued by the school or downloaded from the school website will be considered for Registration of your child. Parents are requested to go through the fee structure, transport facility and prospectus 2021-22 carefully before filling in the form.
The amount deposited towards Registration and admission for a particular year will neither be refunded nor transferred to any other year or towards sibling’s fee.
Advance fees for the whole year may be deposited in the beginning of the session.
Annual fee, Education fee and Transport fee will be automatically linked with the rise in the price index and may be increased by about 10 – 18% at the beginning of a subsequent session as determined by the school’s Board of Management.
In any case admission does not guarantee transport facility.
Transport routes may be rescheduled or changed as and when required.
The school reserves the right to withdraw bus facility, if any student or parent of the student is found indulging in verbal or physical abuse with the drivers & are also liable for expulsion from the school.
The admission formalities will be intimated to the parent / guardian of the selected candidates along with the fee payment slip. The admission fee is to be deposited within 5 working days from the date of collection of the selection letter.
The requisite documents mentioned in the selection letter along with the photocopy of the fee slips are to be submitted within the specified date of securing admission.
It is mandatory for all students (Class-II onwards) to submit the Transfer Certificate from the last school attended. No student will be admitted to the school without the submission of an official Transfer Certificate from the institution last attended, nor will the student be placed in the class higher than that for which the Transfer Certificate shows him/her to be qualified.
Fees once paid at the time of admission are not refundable in any case.
The school Management, acting through the managing board reserves the right to have the final word in all matters relating to the admission procedure.